We are always interested in sustainable locations for our portfolio. Here you will find our investment criteria.
Swiss Life Asset Managers Logistics is a leading developer, investor and holder of logistics and distribution real estate in Europe. We see ourselves as a partnershiporiented project developer and investor in logistics, distribution and commercial real estate as well as land acquisition. We are always interested in expanding our portfolio.
We are looking for the following properties at sustainable locations:
- Greenfield and brownfield sites with an area of between 10 000 square metres and 1 million square meters suitable for logistics/distribution.
- Undeveloped/developed land
- Land with or without planning permission
Existing properties with development potential:
Logistics and distribution properties with rental space of 5000 square meters or more with development potential through letting/refurbishment and extension.
Within relevant logistics clusters in Europe in infrastructurally important locations with good access to motorways and/or federal roads.